They probably go hand in hand.
This afternoon I noticed some of our guineas crossing the road. Not unusual, except there were a bunch of little things moving with them.
Headed for the tall grass across the road. Darn!
Blessed by the arrival of babies. We never know if a guinea has been lost to predators or is sitting on a clutch of eggs. I guess it was the eggs this time.
So I head out and around to herd them (flock them?) back toward the barn yard. I would feel most safe if I could get them all into a stall or bird pen for a few weeks.
I succeeded in getting them turned and headed for the house and barn. Then I heard the peeps. Some of the keets were not with the rest of them and the adult guineas. Darn!!
I went over to the edge of the road and listened. I heard a peep or two and starting a useless and frustrating search, kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack. The grass there has not been cut for years, is long and thick and of course, the keets went silent when I moved.
Time for plan B. Herd the larger group of guins and keets back to the tall grass for a reunion. I succeeded with that however they entered in a slightly different place and headed off up the hillside. I saw one keet enter the field separate from the rest, and heard another, but couldn't find them. This is the helpless part. I stood there for 15 minutes, waiting to hear a peep-peep-peep to help me locate them in the jungle of grass. Nothing. Meanwhile the troop had moved on up the hill and out of my sight and earshot.
I took a risk. I suppose either way the same results. Maybe I should have kept the bunch close to home and shrugged my shoulders about the stragglers who would not survive on their own. Ha! Me? Shrug my shoulders when I have a chance to save some baby animals? Not likely!
I have no idea how many will show up tomorrow. The adults do group together, not sure why, but maybe they will share the protective roles out in the wilds tonight. And maybe I can herd them into the barn tomorrow and help keep safe and alive whatever keets survive this first night.
Helpless with no control over Mother Nature.
Now that's the truth, isn't it!