Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good news this morning!

Despite my nightmares and worry last night, we found three adult guineas and a passel of keets this morning and successfully herded them into an empty stall in the barn.

So my latest question -- can anyone answer this? How do you count a moving mass of little bodies?? I have no idea whether we have 12 or 15 or 21 keets!

I ran into this same question with the recent hatch of chicks. I did take a photo and perhaps can count from looking at the picture. Yeah, I could do this with the keets as well. But we had a visitor here one year shortly after some keets hatched and she looked at the swarm and said, "Oh, look -- you have 27 keets."

How in the world could she look and count like that???


Nuzzling Muzzles said...

I'm guessing you pick a number like 5 and see how 5 of them look bunched together, and each time you see a bunch that size, you add five.

I have no experience with birds. When you first wrote about guineas crossing the road, I imagined little guinea pigs scurrying along and immediately burst out laughing. I knew you meant guinea fowl, though. I had to look up the term "keets" to make sure I was understanding what I was reading. I hope everything turns out okay.

Lasell Jaretzki Bartlett said...

I love the image of a bunch of guinea pigs running around! And your adding idea -- I think that must be it. I found myself yesterday afternoon looking at the bunch and counting in 3s, and got a tentative total of 18 keets.

They are so cute. The adults are "pearls" -- grey with many small white dots. The keets though look like little chipmunks! Later they will grow their adult colored feathers.