Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our Ewes

Here are the ewes in our flock. I have listed them alphabetically by their call name.

The asterisks denote the ewes that are our foundation flock, from the Lasseau bloodlines that Robert Bartlett bred starting about 25 years ago. All of the ewes with the Fine Fettle prefix carry these bloodlines.

A few years ago we added the Wallis Fine ewes and ram, purchased when a local Jacob breeder was dispersing her herd after thirty years. She bred for fleece quality.

I will note which ones are definitely not for sale. All others may be available, so if you are interested, please inquire. They are all registered with the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association.

Fine Fettle Begonia 

*Fine Fettle Bettina* not for sale
Fine Fettle Bonnie 
Fine Fettle Eloise 

*Fine Fettle Gilda*
Wallis Fine Helena
*Fine Fettle Isabella* not for sale

Wallis Fine Jenny not for sale
Fine Fettle Lali (tricolor; lilac carrier) not for sale

Fine Fettle Magnolia reserved
*Fine Fettle Marilyn (lilac carrier)* not for sale
*Fine Fettle Mandy* not for sale
Fine Fettle Neesha 
Fine Fettle Patsy reserved

Fine Fettle Pippin not for sale

Fine Fettle Priscilla (lilac carrier) not for sale

Fine Fettle Priscilla
Wallis Fine Sashay

*Fine Fettle Granny Z* (on the right)
Although she's gone, her wonderful personality and fleece live on in the Z named ewes.

Fine Fettle Zinnia not for sale

Fine Fettle Zoe not for sale

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