Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our Ewes

Here are the ewes in our flock. I have listed them alphabetically by their call name.

The asterisks denote the ewes that are our foundation flock, from the Lasseau bloodlines that Robert Bartlett bred starting about 25 years ago. All of the ewes with the Fine Fettle prefix carry these bloodlines.

A few years ago we added the Wallis Fine ewes and ram, purchased when a local Jacob breeder was dispersing her herd after thirty years. She bred for fleece quality.

I will note which ones are definitely not for sale. All others may be available, so if you are interested, please inquire. They are all registered with the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association.

Fine Fettle Begonia 

*Fine Fettle Bettina* not for sale
Fine Fettle Bonnie 
Fine Fettle Eloise 

*Fine Fettle Gilda*
Wallis Fine Helena
*Fine Fettle Isabella* not for sale

Wallis Fine Jenny not for sale
Fine Fettle Lali (tricolor; lilac carrier) not for sale

Fine Fettle Magnolia reserved
*Fine Fettle Marilyn (lilac carrier)* not for sale
*Fine Fettle Mandy* not for sale
Fine Fettle Neesha 
Fine Fettle Patsy reserved

Fine Fettle Pippin not for sale

Fine Fettle Priscilla (lilac carrier) not for sale

Fine Fettle Priscilla
Wallis Fine Sashay

*Fine Fettle Granny Z* (on the right)
Although she's gone, her wonderful personality and fleece live on in the Z named ewes.

Fine Fettle Zinnia not for sale

Fine Fettle Zoe not for sale

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2013 Lambs

We have many lambs for sale this year.  Below are pictures of the ewe lambs and most of the fleece pet wethers. You can click on any picture to get a larger view. They are living in Newbury, Vermont.

Unless otherwise noted, the ewe lambs are breeding quality lambs and we will process their registration with Jacob Sheep Breeders Association for you. At this site, you can search pedigree information on the sires and dams of these lambs as they are all registered Jacob Sheep.

Most of the lambs will be ready to leave in early June. Sonata, Hopscotch, and Pipsqueak were late arrivals and will be ready the end of June. And we are still waiting on four ewes to lamb!

Prices range from $125 for wether fleece pet, to $250 for register eligible ewe lambs. We offer a discount for buying multiple lambs.

Below each we noted them as: 

Available = you can reserve these lambs now, and pick them up in June when they are weaned.

Reserved = lambs already promised.

Being assessed = these lambs need to grow a bit more before we can assess if they will be register eligible due to quality of horns that is not yet clear. You can reserve these lambs, with sale conditional on the outcome of assessment.

Fleece pet = all wethers and sometimes a ewe lamb that does not meet registration criteria.

Please feel free to contact me for more information and to reserve the Jacob Sheep lambs of your choice: lasell at lasell dot org. (Do the usual translation please to make it a functional address) Soon I will post pictures of the yearling and adult sheep we also have for sale.

Fine Fettle Belva - 3/25/13 - B&W 4H ewe reserved
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Begonia)

Fine Fettle Belva again

Fine Fettle Minnie - 3/19/13 - B&W 2H ewe reserved
Fine Fettle Marzipan - 3/19/13 - B&W 4H ewe reserved
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Magnolia)

Fine Fettle Zephyra - 3/18/13 - B&W ewe lamb available
Fine Fettle Zena - 3/18/13 - B&W4H  ewe reserved
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Zoe)

Fine Fettle Jasper - 3/27/13 - B&W 4H wether fleece pet
Fine Fettle Jazz - 3/27/13 - B&W ewe lilac carrier being assessed
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Jenny) 

Fine Fettle Jasper - 3/27/13 - B&W 4H wether fleece pet
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Jenny)

Fine Fettle Jazz - 3/27/13 - B&W ewe lilac carrier being assessed
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Jenny)

Fine Fettle Hilda - 3/31/13 - B&W ewe lilac carrier being assessed
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Helena)

Fine Fettle Hedda - 3/31/13 - B&W ewe lilac carrier reserved
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Helena)

Fine Fettle Laurel - 3/22/13 - B&W 4H ewe - lilac carrier available
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Lali)

Fine Fettle Lee - 3/22/13 - B&W 2H ewe - lilac carrier reserved
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Lali)

Fine Fettle Piper - 3/27/13 - B&W 2H ewe - reserved
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Pippin)

Fine Fettle Piper again

Fine Fettle Sonata - 4/24/13 - B&W ewe - lilac carrier - reserved
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Sashay)

Fine Fettle Pipsqueak - 4/24/13 - B&W wether fleece pet - reserved
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Sashay)

Fine Fettle Hopscotch - 4/24/13 - B&W 4H ewe - lilac carrier available
(Fine Fettle Lance x Wallis Fine Sashay)

Fine Fettle Ester - 3/31/13 - B&W ewe being assessed
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Eloise)

Fine Fettle Ibsen - 3/21/13 - B&W 4H wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Isabella)

Fine Fettle Zip - 3/24/13 - B&W 5H blue eyes wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Zinnia)

Zip again with Fine Fettle Zap - 3/24/13 - B&W 2H wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Zinnia)

Fine Fettle Mat - 3/23/13 - B&W 4H wether reserved
 Fine Fettle Miles - 3/23/13 - B&W 2H wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Marilyn)

Fine Fettle Panyo - 3/22/13 - B&W 2H wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Patsy)
Fine Fettle Brad - 3/18/13 - B&W 2H wether fleece pet
(Wallis Fine Wilson x Fine Fettle Bettina)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Flock Sires of our 2013 Lambs

We have more lambs on the ground this year than ever before. And this is the first year we have used two rams. Here they are. They are both registered with the Jacob Sheep Breeders Association.

Wilson is a black and white ram we purchased expressly for his fleece as he was part of a long-time fleece breeder's flock. He has passed his exceptional fleece to his lambs, and our fleece distributor, Catawampus Farm and Fiber in Maine, raves about his fleece.

Wallis Fine Wilson JSBA # FF0004-12

Lance is from our own breeding program and we kept him because he is a lilac and white ram, and to breed to the ewes we purchased from the same breeding program as Wilson. Lance has done a great job siring two sets of twins and one set of quadruplets, all with great fleece and coloring. Lance is available for sale this year.

Fine Fettle Lance JSBA #B085-12