It was hard for our farm caretakers to break the news to me over the phone a few days ago. It was hard for me to hear. I had a couple of days to imagine which ewe had died after getting her horns tangled in a wire that the caretakers forgot to hook properly after feeding.
It never occurred to me that the ewe was Sasha. I thought about Marilyn. I thought about Magnolia. I thought about Gilda. It was shocking to discover Sasha's body waiting for us when we got home.
She had broken some horns and she had a primitive wooly mane. The rest of her fleece was lovely. She was a brave ewe but not pushy. She wasn't afraid to meet your gaze.
She was a good ewe and a great mother. Last spring she gave us two lovely four horned lambs: a ewe lamb and a ram lamb. Both found loving homes -- one as breeding stock and one as a wethered pet. I'm glad to know that some of her offspring live on.
My dear RNB harvested her skin at my request, and we will send it away for tanning. We will keep that one, not sell it as we often do.
Sasha, I'm so sorry your life was ended early by our human-made environment.
I will miss you, Sasha. I imagine you finding some young lambs on the other side who need your good mothering. Thank you, sweet girl.
1 comment:
Good morning Lasell and Robert.
As i was finishing up my morning chores i noticed "Scottie", "Bella" and "Nina" having a little head butting contest. I think "Bella" was winning. "Nina" stood at her flank and moved with her like they were a team. Very interesting to watch. Everyones fleece is so thick and beautiful. I'll be glad for spring. I want to see what it looks like when it is sheared off. I can't wait to see what the fleece becomes. I'd like to make a Navaho blanket for under my saddle some day. These guys get into your heart with their peculiar ways. I have let them out to play "follow me" in the front yard. The grain works. Now I just need to get a pouch instead of carrying a bucket around, though sound helps when the world is distracting. "Sasha" must have been wonderful, as all your sheep are, for Scottie" is the best.
Sincerely, Pamela
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